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Tag: Gold

Markets sold off on the day after Thanksgiving in the US. What is typically a bullish period for the markets proved an undoing. The markets had their worst day of the year in 2021 and the worst Black Friday since 1931. Turkey is suffering an economic meltdown that is spreading to civic unrest. The lira …

Friday Investment Talk: Black Friday and Turkey Read More »

Black Friday Sales are expected to be dominated by online shopping with overall sales increasing by 5% from 2019. Is this a low estimate? Biotech and Solar ETFs breakout, while gold broke down this week.
This week we review how US real negative interest rates have pressured the USD while giving strength to the Euro and some emerging market currencies and sovereign debt. We look at commodities, FAANG stocks, china and even Vietnam.

July remains bullish as low interest rates fuel stock returns and gold gains. Russia can be viewed as a high dividend value opportunity if oil prices can remain elevated, and natural gas prices stabilize. A note from Merrill Lynch outlines the demand for hydrogen fuel cells that support natural gas (UNG) prices. China continues to …

Friday Investment Talk: Gold, Interest Rates, Russia and Natural Gas, China, Fuel Cells and EVs Read More »

Having one’s cake and not eating it. When I came to Russia, my first summer was hot and sunny and I took to cycling, exploring the city’s cycle paths, one of my favourites being the one that runs along Bolshaya Nikitskaya up to the Garden Ring. For those unfamiliar, the Garden Ring is a ring …

COVID Emergency Funds, the Price of Gold, and the Stock Market Read More »

One of the fastest and most furious declines in stock market history has taken place . While similar declines have occured, they did not come as rapidlynor straight off a new all-time high. we cannot know if we have hit bottom yet - bottoms are only visible with a bit more hindsight. So speculating on the timing of a rebound, rally and recovery needs some leadership response.
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